Thursday, June 27, 2013


Dalam media pembelajaran ini, murid akan melihat sebuah gambar aquarium besar. Kemudian guru menyuruh murid untuk menyebutkan semua benda yang ada diaquarium. Setelah itu mereka diminta menyebutkan nama-nama benda yang tidak cocok terdapat dalam gambar.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is a multi-dimensional process that involves the development of behavioral competence and flexibility, but also involves strategic thinking and an understanding. NLP describes the fundamental dynamics between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic) and how their interplay affects our body and behavior (programming).

Task Based Language Learning (TBLL)

TBLL is a relatively new approach to second language acquisition. TBLL focuses on the use of authentic language and on asking students to do meaningful  task using the target language. It requires learners to complete meaningful, real-world tasks such  as writing an email, letter, essay or article, making a phone call, conducting an interview, and designing and creating media.

Silent Way Method

The silent way is one of these innovative methods. The silent way is characterized by its focus on discovery, creativity, problem solving, and the use of accompanying materials.

Problem Based Learning (PBL)

PBL is a student centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving. The goals of PBL are to help the students develop flexible knowledge, effective problem solving skills, self-directed learned, effective collaboration skills and intrinsic motivation.

Lexical Approach

Lexical approach is a method of teaching foreign languages. It is a term bandied about by many, but, I suspect, understood by few. The lexical approach concentrates on developing learners proficiency with lexis, or words and word combination.

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

CTL is a concepts that helps teachers relate school learning to real-word situations. CTL motivates learners to take charge of their own learning and to make connections between knowledge and its application. There are seven main components in CTL:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Learning Strategy Training

Learning strategy is the specific actions to make the students better in learning a second language. Learning strategy training is based on problems students encounter in the process of learning target language. These problems are needed to be solved for an affective learning. First, students are given the strategy and then they are expected to apply it.

Content Based Instruction (CBI)

CBI is an approach to language teaching that focuses not on the language itself, but rather on what is being taught through the language; that is the language becomes the medium through which something new is learned. CBI is designed to provide second-language learners instruction in content and language. During the lesson students are focused on learning about something

Task Based Instruction

Task based instruction is different from other more traditional methods of language teaching. Lessons are constructed according to the language required to perform specific tasks rather than according to the aspects of language such as structures and vocabulary.
Role of teacher:
a.    Sets up the tasks and helps  students to complete them
b.    Supervises the reporting of the task
c.    Provides vocabulary needed

Participatory Approach

Contents is based on issues of concern to students. Language taught in service to action, experience-centered and empower decision making.
Goal to help students understand forces in their lives:

Natural Approach Method

In the natural approach the teacher speaks only the target language and class time is committed to providing input for acquisition. Students may use either the language being taught or their first language. Errors in speech are not corrected. Goals for the class emphasize the students being able use the language to talk about ideas, perform tasks, and solve problems. This approach aims to fulfill the requirements for learning and acquisition, and does a great job in doing it. Natural approach designed to develop basic communication skills-both oral and written

Community Language Learning (CLL)

CLL differs from other methods by which languages are taught. It’s based on an approach modeled on counseling techniques that alleviate anxiety, threat and the personal and language problems a person encounters in the learning of foreign languages. The social dynamics occurring in the group are very important and a number of conditions are needed for learning to take place.

Total Physical Response (TPR)

TPR is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity.  TPR as an approach to teaching a second language is based, first and foremost, on listening and this linked to physical actions which are designed to reinforce comprehension of particular basic items. A typical TPR activity might contain instruction such as “walk to the door”, “open the door”, “sit down”, ‘Give Ade you dictionary”.


Suggestopedia is an innovative method that  promises great effective language learning result. In practice, physical surroundings and atmosphere in classroom are the vital factors to make sure that the students feel comfortable and confident and various techniques, including art and music, are used by the trained teachers. The lesson of suggestopedia consisted of three phases at first: deciphering, concert session and elaboration.

Blended Learning

Blended learning is learning that is facilitated by the effective combination of different modes of delivery, models of teaching and styles of learning and applying them interactively meaningful learning environment. A blended learning approach combines face to face classrooms methods with computer-mediated activities to form an integrated instructional approach.
The goal of blended is to join the best aspects of both face to face and online instruction
Six issues of blended learning:

Project Based Learning (PBL)

PBL is an instructional approach built upon authentic learning activities that engage students’ interest and motivation. These activities are designed to answer a question or solve a problem and generally reflect the types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.
Role of the teacher:
·      As facilitator
·      Working with students to frame worthwhile questions
·      Coaching both knowledge development and social students skills
·      Carefully assessing what students have learned from the experience

Inquiry Based Learning (IBL)

Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered and teacher-guided instructional approach that engages students in investigating real world questions that they choose within a broad thematic framework Inquiry is not merely ‘having students do projects’ but rather strives to nurture deep, discipline-based way of thinking and doing with students. 
Steps in Inquiry based learning

Direct Method

The direct method of teaching came as a response to the shortfalls of the grammar-translation method, which works to teach  grammar and translate  vocabulary from  the native language of the student. The teacher would in this instance focus on repetitive patterns of teaching with grammar being taught inductively. In direct method teaches language by “use” not by “rule’. The direct method of learning English is fairly simple;

Whole Language Approach

Whole language is a method of teaching reading and writing that emphasizes learning whole words and phrases by encountering them in meaningful contexts rather than by phonics exercises.
·      Focus on learning the complete meaning of a word
·      Focus on making meaning in reading and expressing meaning in writing
·      Emphasis on high-quality and culturally diverse literature

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sustained Silence Reading (SSR)

SSR is a form of school –based recreational reading, or free voluntary reading, where students read silently in a designated time period every day in school.
How SSR works:
a.       Access the books
b.      Book appeal
c.       Conducive environment
d.      Encourage to read
e.       Non-accountability
f.       Time to read
g.      Staff training

Competency-Based Language Teaching (CBLT)

CBLT focuses on what learners expected to do with the language. CBLT is based on function and interaction of language, what means that language is taught taking into account the social context and the communicative needs of students.

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences. Students must work in groups to complete the tasks collectively toward academic goals.

Audio-lingual Method

This method relies on repetition drills and as a result it was used to teach large numbers of students at the same time. The audio lingual method teaches the language directly but doesn’t use the native language to explain words or grammar. There is several part of this method:

Monday, June 3, 2013

Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

The grammar translation method of foreign language teaching is one of the traditional methods. A focus on learning the rules of grammar and their application in translation passages from one language into another language. GTM follows the adult’s natural way of learning a language. A very little teaching is done in the target language.

Multiple Intelligences

Before telling about multiple-intelligence, it will be useful to define what the intelligence means. Intelligence is the human capacity to think, understand and produce something with their thoughts. Their capacity can be associated with multiple-intelligence which is divided into several particular categories:

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Penggunaan Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menghubungkan kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau sebelumnya  dengan kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau setelahnya. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini: